Rails raw vs html_safe

- 5 mins

Rails has some neat security protections out of the box. Rails will automatically escape html using html_escape method under the box, hence preventing execution of malicious code. But, in a real world scenario there are a lot of time where you want to render html that is not escaped. In that scenario two of the most used methods are raw and html_safe. In this article lets explore difference between this two methods.

What is XSS(Cross-Site Scripting) ?

XSS allows an attacker to execute scripts in the security context of your web application. The OWASP Top 10 of most frequent vulnerabilities lists it as #3, with other types of injection on #1 now.

You can read more about it here!

The playground app

rails new welcome
cd welcome
rails g controller welcome index
touch app/models/greeting.rb

I created basic rails app called welcome and added welcome controller with index view. Also, I added simple class Greeting in our models dir, this class I’m going to use for showing basic greeting message.

OK, still a few things to setup:

1.Add root route to config/routes.rb and delete everything else from class (thanks Rails 5 for removing this bloating comments in generated files :))

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root "welcome#index"

2.Add greeting message to Greeting model

class Greeting
  def message
   "Welcome jedi master"

3.Add Greeting model instance variable to WelcomeController

class WelcomeController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @welcome = Greeting.new

4.Show message on the root page (welcomes/index page)

<p><%= @welcome.message %></p>

Finally run your rails server got to localhost:3000, and you will see following rendered on root page.

Basic message

Rendering html in view

Now lets emphasis Jedi Master title in our greeting message

class Greeting
  def message
  "Welcome <strong>jedi master</strong>"

Refresh your page and you will see that rails automatically escaped your content.

Escaped message

I trust my content don’t escape it Rails

Ok, you can used following methods to tell rails not to escape your content, both will produce same output

in app/views/welcomes/index.html.erb

<p><%= @welcome.message.html_safe %></p>


<p><%= raw @welcome.message %></p>

Raw message

Look yoda master I’m giving big respect by greeting all jedis properly!

Why do you have two different methods for the same thing. Which path is the right path to choose, young apprentice ?

Rails raw() vs html_safe() method

html_safe() returns instance of SafeBuffer which inherits from String overriding +, concat and << so that:

You can look at the implementation here

raw() is a wrapper around html_safe() that forces the input to String and then calls html_safe() on it. It’s also the case that raw() is a helper in a module

Basically, you can simulate raw in out example like this

class Greeting
  def message
    "Welcome <strong>jedi master</strong>".to_s.html_safe

The main reason to use raw instead of html_safe if when content can be nil.

If you call html_safe on Nill class, like this


app fill fail saying undefined method `html_safe' for nil:NilClass.

But if you call raw on Nil class, app will not fail it will return instance of empty string, since calling nil.to_s returns new empty_string ""


Be carefull not to let sits inject malicouse dark force to young jedis

Dino Maric

Dino Maric

Working class hero

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